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      1. Work Culture

        Our work culture

        Working at Fu Qiao technology is not just a job. We employ wise and friendly staff, and this is reflected in our culture. We are disciplined to ensure that our values - integrity, excellence, teamwork, commitment and sustainability - are practiced in our daily work. We ensure that our employees continue to enjoy the challenges and difficulties, and that they are strongly supported without feeling isolated. We offer a variety of career development opportunities, including leadership plans. We not only advocate team diversity, but also unite and cooperate with a unified Caterpillar image.
        Just as everything in the company can not be separated from the active dedication of every employee, so is our culture. Each of us is proud of our work environment and the Fuqiao technology we have built.

        Copyright 2018 XIAMEN FIRESTAR Technical support:Xiamen bohua network co ltd 閩ICP備18008589號-1 TEL:0592-8886589
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